Myanmar migrant workers in Thailand not invited to first social security board election

Myanmar migrant workers in Mahachai, the major industrial zone west of Bangkok, Thailand. / Visual Rebellion Myanmar

DECEMBER 4th, 2023 // At the end of the month, Thailand is hosting its first social security board election. Close to one million workers from Myanmar, who contribute equally to this multi-million dollar fund, are not allowed to participate. A Thai migrant worker rights advocate is running to represent Myanmar nationals and will be listed as a candidate.

United by Blood Money, Police States Stand Together

OCTOBER 29th, 2023 // “Will the Singaporean Government stand for blood money – or clean business, with dignity?”

The Burmese diaspora stood in front of the Singapore embassy in Bangkok to demand that Singapore stop selling arms used to kill their fellow citizens in Myanmar.


AUGUST 25th, 2023 // Six years ago, the Myanmar military launched a genocide against Rohingya people in Rakhine state. Our team interviewed Razia Sultana, lawyer, educator, and human rights activist, about the current situation of her community.

Jubilee Hall & Students Union Building Once Stood There

JULY 7th, 2023 // The military junta in Myanmar systematically destroyed historical landmarks, including the Students’ Union Building and the Jubilee Hall in Yangon. Both hold immense historical significance, representing the spirit of anti-colonial, anti-fascist, and anti-dictatorship struggles.

“If I don’t post, am I part of the revolution?”

JUNE 26th, 2023 // An interview with Bamar anthropologist Chu May Paing on post-coup social media activism.

People’s interactions on social media are a tool of communication and expression that have become a primary way to deal with daily political and economical activities, ranging from selling clothes to attending online protest events.

Myanmar diaspora hopes for a new dawn as Thailand votes to shed its green uniform

JULY 4th, 2023 // After pro-democracy parties led the way in the recent May elections, the Thai Parliament is expected to form a new civilian government. The majority of Thai citizens as well as Myanmar people who took shelter in the neighboring country after the coup, are hoping for a new era that will safeguard their respective rights. However, the new Thai government will have to confront the massive challenges posed by the Myanmar military and the growing refugee crisis.

Beneath the blackened sky, a burning grief for electricity

JULY 8th, 2023 // Because of the military administration lack of technology and management skills to address the terrible electricity shortage across the country, people can’t work, communicate or sleep and urban life is severely disrupted.
The burden of paying monthly electricity bills without regular access to power remains, as most of the energy produced is exported in neighbouring countries.

The Men Fighting for Karen Rights in Thai Politics

MAY 14th, 2023 // Interviews with Manop Keereepuwadol (Move Forward Party) and Tip Ruchaitrakul (Thai Sang Thai), two men of Karen ethnicity who competed to become MP during the last national elections in Thailand in Chiang Mai and Mae Sot respectively.